Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day Five - Mungo to Silverton

So we shaved an hour off our leaving time, but I still wonder if we will ever be ready to leave in less than four hours! I'm loving the relaxed pace though.


We had trouble getting any advice from the Ranger station regarding roads open as someone took the only copy of the road report, and they hadn't had a new one delivered yet. It's astounding that it disappeared given they only have one copy of the report and leave it on the mostly unmanned desk with out a please leave note. We headed off to Broken Hill with our give it a go attitudes in place. Justin successfully negotiated some slightly slippery roads to hand over the reins to me at Sliver City Highway. I drove through the sunset and dusk to Broken Hill without seeing a single kangaroo, despite the warning road signs.

Refuelled at $207 including the jerry can and milk (ouch) and headed for Silverton, 25 km out to the West from BHP oops I mean Broken Hill.

Got the tent up in record time and dinner - leftovers I'm afraid, but when the temperature is 0 degrees anything vaguely warm tastes delicious.

Justin had some concerns about the fridge not working, so I suggested we pop the lid, then our only concern would be foods getting ruined when it froze.

About 4 am George woke us up complaining her feet were sore. We pretty quickly found out why when she hopped into our bed and made skin to skin contact. Unfortunately Lexie heard this exchange and thought she'd have a go at upgrading her bedding status to "Camping Gold" up on the trailer with us. After 10 minutes of hoping the tragic sighing would stop, I asked her what was the matter. "My sock is coming off" was the biggest issue she offered up and I carelessly asked her if she was cold. As the response was yes, up she came too, toasty as could be. If I hadn't been grateful for the extra warmth I may have sent her back to her own sleeping bag. Not the best night's sleep, poor Georgie.



  1. Loving reading your blog! Great photo of the girls.

  2. Thanks Carli and or Ian. Sorry it has taken so long to reply, signal is hard to get we're we have been!
