Friday, July 20, 2012

Day Three

I love raisin toast for breakfast, in the sunny outdoors. It has almost no nutritional value probably, I figure my muesli balances it out.


We walked across to the lookout, across Lake Mungo to the lunetic sand dunes, known as the Great Wall of China as it stretches so far.


Unfortunately the 70km 4WD trip around Lake Mungo was closed due to wet roads, so we drove the pastoral loop instead, a little quicker at 7km total. We had a picnic lunch at the ruins of Zanci sheep station. The fireplace and outdoor toilet are intact but little else.


The girls enjoyed pretending to be zombies in the underground shelter, originally used for keeping cool in the extreme Summers. The homestead was sold to the Nat. park in 1984. The woodshed is worth a visit if you are in the area.


Had the classic spaghetti bologna use for dinner, except we used different pasta and I had no red wine. C'est la vie.


  1. Hey Shumacks, Ive found your blog!
    Looks as if the holiday is off to a terrific start. Enjoy! Luv Shaani and the boys

    1. Thanks Shaani, we're having a great time! Please keep reading.
