Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 73 - Coral Bay to Monkey Mia

With 540 kms to go today, we were pleased to be on the road by 8.30 am. There is little to tell you about the road to Monkey Mia except there are a couple of roadhouses along the way. We did a tiny detour to this lookout half way through the journey. Not what you would call the view thrilling but it is always nice to stretch your legs. Sometimes I walk like I'm recovering from a hip replacement when I emerge after a long stint in the car.


As soon as we arrived at Monkey Mia we booked on a boat cruise. I really wanted to see a dugong, the only herbivorous sea mammal. There was a larger one in Antartic waters but that got hunted to extinction. I booked us into the Boughshed Restaurant for dinner. We lingered at the common before setting up the tent.


It was mild enough to eat outside, so the girls played on the grass before our meals arrived. It was a very relaxed evening. We found out Mia means home in the local aboriginal language, but Monkey is a mystery.






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