Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 81 (83) - Murray Bridge to Home.

Looking back I realised this is actually Day 83. I struggled to count early on and had two Day 12s and two Day 19s.

We had celebratory bacon and eggs (from Sarah's hens) for breakfast, and still were on the road by 9am. It rained here last night, so we are feeling pretty chuffed about our decision to not use the tent last night.

We went past possibly Australia's worst caravan park at Tailem Bend. We stayed there two years ago, apologies to Michelle Spicer. I still shiver when I think about that night of disaster.

This part of our journey holds no promise for me, I have driven from Melbourne to Adelaide and back again at least ten times in my life. It is particularly dull sheep and wheat country. Lunch was fresh salad rolls from the bakery in Nhill.

Here we are, home safe and sound.


How nice It is to be home.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. I hope you have enjoyed the blog as much as I have enjoyed composing it.

All the pictured above have had an incredible adventure. We have much to enjoy and be proud of in this country, see as much of Australia as you can.


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