Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 51 - Manning Gorge

Today was a lazy day. We said goodbye to the Steadman family, Sophia, Phoebe and company as they headed for Winjana Gorge and Derby to get their shock absorbers fixed.


Justin drained the oil on the car before we headed for the sandy area at the river. I bought cheese sandwhiches for lunch down with us as we planned to escape the heat by staying until sunset. The campsite is dry and dusty, which isn't all bad as it means fewer mosquitoes, but it is very unpleasant from 10am - 2pm. George hopped out of the water for a while because she was scared of the biting fish after one had two goes at me. When she had eaten lunch she was brave enough to get back in. As Justin was chatting to Nick, a man came over and offered three packets of chicken thigh fillets not needed for his wilderness tour group. Nick declined, as they had already been given free food by another tour group at Mitchell Falls. What good luck! We now had meat for three meals. I created another version of tuna salad for dinner with a pesto dressing. It is hard to be varied out here where choices of produce are limited and for the most part I have a two burner stove to work with.

To do the waterfall walk we did yesterday, you need to cross the river. To keep cameras, etc, dry, you use the plastic tubs to carry your gear. Crossing the river fully dressed is the best way to start an hour and a half walk through the scorchingly hot Kimberley. Our clothes were almost dry when we arrived at the waterhole.


1 comment:

  1. The girls are definetly out numbering the boys at this stage. It seems that Phoebe's swimming is coming along pretty well.
