Saturday, September 15, 2012

Day 58 - Windjana Gorge to Broome

As Justin and I couldn't stand the idea of enduring the heat at Windjana Gorge campsite for another hour, we packed up camp by a record time. 7.41 AM, I kid you not, was the time we were on the road by. This time will not be beaten by us for the rest of the trip, I would suggest. We both agreed one night here would have done us. We are a touch weary of the Gibb River Road by now. We need to see a washing machine again, we haven't laundered since I hand washed everything at Charnley River Homestead. We pulled into Derby for a quick bakery stop then kept going to Broome, apart from visiting another Prison Boab tree on the outskirts of the town. There is plenty of traffic on these roads. Our caravan park is one dune from Cable Beach across the road, and the park pool is across from our camp site. Someone has to live this hard life. This park gets a lot of long termers, retirees wo set their caravan up here for three months minimum to avoid any hint of Winter down south. Once set up we had lunch at the beachside cafe to celebrate making it from one end of the Gibb River Road to the other. Unfortunately the food was mostly about the location.

We bought new snorkels for the girls that don't leak like the old ones, Justin and Phoebe picked up the mail and we restocked the fridge and pantry. As lunch was late we had a chees platter for dinner. I disgusted everyone by buying and eating Stilton - blue cheese. Thinking of you Dad (it is his favourite).


  1. Just catching up on your travels.
    Looks as if you are all having a terrific time. Great work Daddy Justin coming to the rescue with retrieving the dropped posessions for the girls.

  2. The end of Gibb River Road and you guys must have got lost. It is the 20 sept today and the last message was 5 days ago. Have you found the BROOM triangle?????
