Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 18 - Yulara

This place has changed since I was here back in the dark ages. It reminds me of an Asian Airport, clean, efficient and set up to get you to spend. We got Justin a hat today as he lost his in Silverton and the sun is getting damaging in the middle of the day. We had lunch, picked up supplies, did washing (ho hum), and had a swim in the outdoor pool, the coldest in all my experience. I won't be rushing back, even Phoebe struggled to stay in the water for more than a minute at a time.


Then we headed out with the masses to view the rock at sunset. If there is one thing you should see before you shuffle off this mortal coil, it is Uluru in the flesh, preferably at sunset.


My photos give little impression of the texture of the rock, and can't do justice to it's size. It is extremely beautiful, amazing and inspiring. Come and see it.



  1. Hi Cathy and Justin,
    I have tried a few times to comment but had trouble with technology.
    Hope all is well. Loren says the photos of Uluru are amazing.
    Rodney, Rosemary and Loren

    1. Hi Rocket Rod and Co, you have mastered the technology necessary to communicate on this blog, well done! We are loving it here, have you been with Loren?

  2. Pass on our best to the girls as they are starting to look well travelled
