Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 23 - Alice Springs

We cruised around town in the morning, tried to get the lens function fixed on Phoebe's camera so she could use it, but the camera shop advised it wasn't viable to be fixed. I booked us into the sounds of Starlight show for Saturday night. Lunch was consumed in the cooling Olive Pink Botanical Gardens, just over the Todd River.

The girls were taken with these sculptures, made of packaging materials.

We climbed a small hill to get a view of the city.

The city.
The view towards Heavitree Gap.

To the West.


The tour of the headquarters of the School of the Air we did was really interesting.


Phoebe and Georgina's class mates will be interested to know the students do formal lessons from 8-3, five days a week. Most of their work is done in workbooks, as most farms can't afford to run the generator all day to power their computers for internet access to the teacher. They also have to have an in-house tutor supervising them. In 70% of cases this is the mother, who then employs a cook to feed the family and workers. I had imagined the whole thing to be a bit more casual, but school is compulsory wherever you live.

As we were doing the tour of the school, a local film crew arrived to shoot a infomercial about tourist attractions in the region. Phoebe and Georgina got to be film stars! I will let you know the YouTube details once the clip is loaded.

Dinner was sweet potato patties with salsa and sweet chilli mayonnaise, delicious if I may say so!


1 comment:

  1. Movie stars in the making. Tea did sound good like most of the daily meals that you are having.
