Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 43 - Litchfield National Park

There was plenty on our agenda this day, as we only had one day here. After some initial inertia, we headed out to Blythe Homestead.


Calling it a homestead is a stretch, shack is a more accurate description. This was an outpost for the Sergeant family's main Stapleton Homestead. Some of the older children used to live out here, completely necessary given the parents had 14 children. They tended cattle and mined tin, living a very tough life. It was so hot and dry we needed a swim, so we walked the 3.4 km return to Tjaynera Falls. This is one of many croc free waterholes in Litchfield. It was worth the effort. There were quite large fish there that cleared out once we jumped in.


We shared the pool with a couple from Perth, Jack and Hillary.

As we had seen the Southern and Western Lost Cities, we felt obliged to see The Lost City. After the visual impact of the Southern Lost City (see Day 28), this lost city needed to be something special to impress us.


The number of photos I took tells me I wasn't as moved by these structures, Southern Lost City has spoiled me. These structures are more reminiscent of Stonehenge and still beautiful, but just on a smaller scale. The walk around them didn't take long, so we had time for Florence Falls. This involved a walk down 135 stairs.



It was a fantastic end to a great day. The girls trialed the snorkels and masks. There were two bad things about this waterhole. The rubbish people left at the water's edge (that we cleaned up) and these too friendly fish that kept biting the mossie bites on Justin and me. The larger fish were quite painful. As the girls were somehow immune, we only got out of the water at 7pm, home for tuna salad inside the tent, safe from the mossies.



  1. Pictures again were great.I did not realise that we had so many lost cities, all very careless of our ancestors.
    How are the girls going with their snorkelling as it should be fascinating around the rocks when they can actually get into the water.

    1. We have been doing lots of snorkel practice, getting ready for Turquoise Bay on Ningaloo Peninsular.

  2. Litchfeild looks neighbour loved it when they went thru it too. Hope you are having an amazing trip - looks like you are. Let phoebe know crystals are undefeated so far this season...amazing
