Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 22 - Kings Canyon to Alice Springs.

Today we all went on a helicopter flight across Kings Canyon. It is an exhilarating way to fly, and the vision excellent. It was the first time for the girls and me in a chopper.


Georgina, Lexi and I went in the first run out to the canyon, I snapped off as many photos as I could.


The trip was fairly short. The eroded dome shapes are really clear from the air. What it must be to be a bird.

I keep seeing the above photo as concave structures, but they are actually convex domes. Tilting photo helps change the perspective.
You can just see the helicopter's shadow in the shot above. Our pilot Wayne told us we were travelling at 200 km per hour.

The grin on Phoebe's face was great. She, Georgina and Justin took the second ride. Phoebe said the view was stunning, she loved being in the air.


An added bonus to the trip was seeing the Kings Creek, and the whole resort layout, including the solar panels and rubbish dump.

The drive to Alice Springs was fairly standard, the odd road sign included!


The McDonnell Ranges kept me company as we approached Alice Springs.


We stopped at the painter Albert Namatjira's old house on the banks of the Finke River. He built in himself, two rooms that housed his wife and their seven children.


They abandoned it after six years as one of his sons died there, part of their tribal beliefs. After reading the below sign, we decided to sit Palm Valley as a day trp without the trailer in tow!

Nearby Hermannsburg Mission was set up by the Lutherans in the 1800's. Albert Namatjira grew up in the mission. The old buildings are quaint, but the rest of the town has a feeling of nothingness. All vehicles are stared at as they arrive, it seems to be standard entertainment. Big Four caravan park is our home for four nights. We are camped behind the Strawberry Pancake trailer, on campus for the three Winter months, open from 5 - 9. Justin is tempted, I had rather cook my own. After the lentil burgers last night before the show, we went for a meat fest with saltbush lamb sausages and salad.



  1. I noticed that the colours you chose to wear that day clashed with the helicopter a bit.

    1. Well Rod, only you would be so sensitive about bush fashions. I tried to keep it neutral in black, but he girls had other ideas.
