Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 21 - Kings Canyon.

Another day of perfect weather, 28 degrees. It isn't so cold at night here, I still have bad memories of that night at Silverton.

We chose to walk along the Creekbed Walk in Kings Canyon, as it was midday and the Rim Walk would be really hot without shade, and my knee has been a bit strange since our big walks.


It was beautifully shaded walking beside the King Creekbed. Phoebe was keen to spot a lizard, but Georgina and Lexi were too exuberant for any reptile's peace.

The underside of the overhang here looks like a piece of wood with a beautiful grain to me, a cafe latte to Phoebe.

The creek can get to ten feet deep when it floods, but it only lasts a matter of hours. The Resort can be stranded through the road being flooded but it only lasts two days at most.


We spoke to a couple, George and Merilyn, at the lookout platform. They recommended Port Gibbon on the Eyre Peninsular in SA. If we have any time left we may factor that in, it sounds idyllic as you can camp right on the beach.

We passed Kathleen Springs on the way into Kings Canyon, so I felt obliged to come back to look at them.


The walk in was dusty and hot as expected.

The rock formations are fascinating.

We passed the stockade ruins of Tempe Downs, which wound up in 1983. These fences haven't lasted as well as the Dalhousie ones, despite being maintained for 60 years longer.


Right at the end of the walk at the springs, the temperature was deliciously cool. It seemed four degrees lower.


Between Kathleen Springs and Kings Canyon we saw many "Tim Burton" trees. They are Casurinas that didn't survive either a bush fire or aboriginal land management.


We looked at the tail end of sunset on the Giles Range (that encompasses Kings Canyon).


It was necessary to rush back for dinner so Justin could take the girls to a show at the Pub. Cinderella stayed home to the dishes, willingly!

They all had to get on stage to play musical instruments and sing, I could hear how much fun they were having at our campsite.


A huge day for all Shumacks.

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