Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 34 - Kakadu

As intrepid 4WDers, we drove out towards Jim Jim falls. Justin was driving, but the road was so corrugated I couldn't manage my customary power nap in the passenger seat. At the gate, we took the Ranger's advice and went to Twin Falls first. We also had to buy a ticket for a ferry to get us into the falls. The road to Twin Falls was less corrugated thank goodness, but had other challenges. We got bogged in sand for a few seconds on a sharp turn. We had to negotiate the water crossing as seen below. We checked two other vehicles crossing before trying ourselves.


You don't want to make a mistake on this crossing as there are saltwater crocodiles present. Fortunately, most crossings we have tackled look more daunting than they are difficult. All the same, it is a relief to get to the bank on the other side. This crossing was definitely the deepest and longest for us (so far).

These are the views to the left and the right as we crossed.

We ate lunch at the large picnic area. It was very hot and dry. There were two families there with a younger child each. They came over with one of the fathers to say hello and chat about river crossings and other 4WD experiences. He affirmed our knowledge of how much air to release in the tyres for the right sort of pressure for off road driving.

Dallas was our tour guide and driver for the short trip to the drop off point. Due to narrow rocks, the boat couldn't take us all the way into the falls.


We had an adventure style walk along big rocks, beside water, along small cliff faces worrying some one will fall into the crystal clear water.


I was a trifle nervous for the kids due to the drop and the casual way they approached the edge.


This gang plank hand hand pump showers for cooling off in, thank goodness. We made maximum use of it, we were so overheated and not used to the humidity. It was a relief to reach the sand at the falls where no one would be hurt if they fell.


There was still water falling as Twin Falls is feed by a spring that takes all the dry season to dry up. We'd been warned Jim Jim falls didn't flow this time of the year, so we expected the same at Twin Falls.


I was much more relaxed regarding children falling on the return journey.


Dallas picked us up and showed us some pig nosed turtles, a real highlight. They have the same shaped flippers as marine turtles, so the theory is they moved into a freshwater environment from the sea a few thousand millennium or so ago. They were bigger than a dinner plate. The freshwater crocodile he'd spotted on the way to pick us up had disappeared, so we still haven't seen one.

We spent so long enjoying Twin Falls we ran out of time to look at Jim Jim Falls. It is only a kilometre walk but takes an hour, which means longer for us. It was my turn to drive on the worst road for corrugations for us, so far..... We put the table inside after collapsing the girls beds, for maximum protection from mosquitoes. We had a trio of salads, very nice but it made too many dishes!


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