Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 15 - Dalhousie Springs

Yesterday on the way to Dalhousie we passed the Angle Pole where the Overland Telegraph Line changed direction. I am still surprised when we pass signs of life out here.


Well, we have landed on our feet here at Dalhousie Springs.


We got into our bathers and headed for the springs. We had been told about tiny Goby fish that lived in the water that nibbled at you if you kept still enough. The water was an amazing 35 degrees thereabouts. It is also larger than we expected, we're estimating 120m x 40metres. It was described as an upsidedown shower rose, water rises up from the artesian basin in eight different points.


We stayed in there for about an hour, there were pool noodles and an inner tube from a tractor to float around on. We had lunch and did very little else besides head back to the springs again. I wanted to visit the ruins just before sunset, but we'll do that tomorrow as we have decided to stay another night as it is so pleasant here.

George and Lucy, new best friends and camp neighbours.



  1. Justin & Kathy,

    Looks like you are having an amazing trip, love the photos and the comments you are posting, I almost feel like I am there with you. Looks like you have been blessed with beautiful weather in The Centre.

    Keep Enjoying
    Jeff Smith

    1. Thanks for your comments Jeff, and yes, we have only had 12 drops of rain for the whole trip. I probably shouldn't mention that, might bring us some rain. Please keep on reading.

  2. Rosemary remembered the spring's well. Even though when we were there it was late at night and very misty.
