Friday, August 24, 2012

Day 31 - Katherine Gorge

Justin booked us into a 1pm boat trip along Katherine Gorge. After a relaxing beverage or icecream on the balcony overlooking the Nitmiluk/Katherine Gorge, we rushed back to the campsite for a quick lunch, in order to make the boat trip. Up here the weather is approaching uncomfortable in the middle of the day if you can't find shade. And it is he middle of Winter. We estimated our boat sat 80 people and for our trip nearly all seats were taken.


A bus load of tourers were part of the group, some of their opinions were interesting. We found out that occasionally they catch saltwater crocodiles in their traps in the gorge, but it has only been five in ten years. The bloke behind me commented "that's five too many". Needless to say, we didn't see any on our trip. We weren't fortunate enough to see a freshwater crocodile either. Our guide, Chris, told us they are very shy, and that if they did bite us their teeth would break off because their teeth are only good for their diet of small fish and insects. He must have been pulling our legs. Apart from this dubious second fact, he was a great guide, very entertaining. We got an insight into the traditional culture and beliefs, a lot of bush tucker tips thrown in.


I just don't go for tour groups that big. I dreamt of doing a cruise down the Danube for a while, until I saw a picture of the boat involved. It looked like the QEII floating downstream, bringing back cringe worthy memories of The Love Boat episodes. Uggghhhh.


Post cruise we swam until dinner time, tender Asian style pork chops and salad.


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