Friday, August 10, 2012

Day 20 - Uluru to Kings Canyon

The girls did an aboriginal art painting class at the Sails in the Desert resort before we headed off. I bought two Aboriginal paintings at Uluru, done by an artist from Docker River near the WA border. I saw them being painted the first day we went to town, which makes them a bit more special.


Justin decided to avoid a camel on the drive, I'm wondering if it is safer to drive at dusk as a kangaroo might do less damage. A camel's torso would directly hit the windscreen if we were to hit one, their legs are that long.

We arrived at Kings Canyon Resort at a very reasonable time as it was only 229 km away. Thank you Phoebe for the maths.

The temperature was perfect this afternoon and our campsite is very pleasant. I certainly took advantage of the lazy afternoon.

Tomorrow we will take a hike through the canyon and check out the view at sunset. It seems to improve a lot of views in Central Australia.


Justin's Terminal Breakdown Register: Currently stands at 3.

A Holden Rodeo, Jeep Cherokee and a Nissan Patrol.



  1. 13 August 12
    Seems like a nice easy day. You probably need it Justin after the effort of the two earlier days. Cath, so where are the paintings going?
    I did not get the reference to the terminal breakdown register.

    1. Hello Rod, Justin here. I guess the paintings will go on a wall! The terminal breakdown register refers to the vehicles we have witnessed being towed away, their owners watching on with sad looks.
