Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 17 - Dalhousie to Yulara/Uluru/Ayers Rock

We took the rough road to Mount Dare today, heading for Uluru, a big day of kilometres.


The girls and I shared a ginger beer here, whilst Justin had the kitchen extension he broke riveted back onto our kitchen and the Anderson plug re crimped to run all our auxiliary batteries. A man lives here who is a sheet metal worker originally from Sydney. He gets quite a bit of work out here as it is the end of the Simpson desert run, four to five days drive. A 4wd was towed out as we arrived, end of holiday. Touch wood for our little vehicle! Everyone except me entered the Northern Territory for the first time in their lives, a simple gate to go through. No border security required. The soil is getting redder the further we progress.


Hurtling along at 70km per hour, I spotted a turn off to the Lambert Centre, a 12km detour to the geographical centre of Australia. If you happen to go there look for Georgina's entry in the visitor book, still going since 1990! Here some of us are in the very centre.


We ate dinner at the Kulgera Pub on dusk as we hit the Stuart Highway. Simple burgers but really well cooked. We still had a long way to go, over 300km. The girls were really good, especially as it was such a long day. We couldn't get a signal to call ahead at Yulara to see if there was room at the campground. A kangaroo decided to dice with death by missing our car by centimetres, I better check there isn't a blockage in our anti-kangaroo whistling contraption, it had worked up until then. We arrived at 10.30, thank goodness there were a few spots left! The last thing I wanted to do at that time was turn back to Curtain Springs, 100km away. We threw the tent up, got the girls ready for bed in record time and were in bed promptly ourselves.



  1. hi, Sounds like it was a tough day.
    Pleaased that you got thekitchen back into working order.
    Really enjoying the pictures and comments.
    All the best

    1. Thanks Rod, please keep your comments coming, I feel the love!
