Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day 28 - Butterfly Springs

Ahhhhhh, how's the serenity. The stars were crystal clear last night. The springs are gorgeous, the water is a bit fresh though. There is a waterfall at the end of the springs, fed by the surrounding cliffs. They leach out water over months after the wet season. It usually means there is always water here, crocodile free.

When we swam we saw a Mertens Water Monitor. You can just see it in the below photo hanging on the almost vertical rocks at the waters edge, then disappeared in to the water, about 3 metres/10 feet from us. About 5 minutes later it surfaced with a fish in it's mouth. It ate it in full view on the bank, having no fear of us. Many people come here to swim so it's relatively relaxed around humans.

There were a few water birds that are equally as unbothered by our presence.

After lunch we visited the Southern Lost City, the main reason for us coming so far off the usual tourist roads. And it didn't disappoint.

I know I raved on about Uluru, but these rock formations are right up there in terms of majesty.

The place is magical. Every way you turn there is an astounding rock formation that you can't believe is standing against gravity. All the formations are on the same 15 degree angle.

I felt like I was walking around the sculptures on Easter Island, the ruins of Angkor Wat ruins in Cambodia, or Mayan ruins in South America. However, the Southern Lost City is created by erosion. We had the luxury of having it all to ourselves. And yes, we did get a bit lost in the lost city. I ran back and forward calling out "Miranda" a few times and we found our way out.

A tired George excepted, we had an exceptional 2km walk. I flattened my camera battery, in the old days, I would have used up three rolls of film.

Justin practised creek crossings, we picked up some firewood and saw a bush turkey on the way back to camp. We cooked marinated chicken wings on the fire and ate them with brown rice. I had a go at some scones in the camp oven. I under estimated the power of the coals and they cooked in record time, so some were blackened on the bottom. I'm glad I didn't try bread or a cake!


  1. I am not sure if I have heard of the lost city or seen any photos. The rock formationa seems to be pretty fantastic.
    Tea again sound good. May be you could use the scones as paper wieghts. How are you enjoing my typing and spelling.
    I am geeting pretty tired of not being a robot every time I send you a message.

    1. Hi rod, thanks for being ever reliable with your comments. The idea of you as a robot implies mass production, and I really think one Rodney is enough. Loren and Rose should back me up on this one......

  2. the leaning tower of the lost city - certainly puts the leaning tower or anything else man has built to shame!
