Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 48 - El Questro to Drysdale River Roadhouse

After filling the gas bottle we left El Questro, expecting a tough day. We felt positive due to our previous experience of roads around Dalhousie Springs. Justin and I both agreed a lower speed could only help. Soon after turning onto the Gibb River road we saw a top end camper trailer abandoned in the scrub on the side of the road. Apart from some afternoon tea the day was uneventful. We went over a few jump ups.


The girls enjoyed the biggest scones of their lives at Ellenbrae Homestead.


The area around the homestead was beautifully green and therefore cool. Many Zebra finches visited a bird feeder full of seed.

In the middle of nowhere, we turned right to stay at Drysdale River Homestead, a convenient stop on the way to Mitchell River Plateau.

The road up to this homestead was pretty bad, but the sunset made up for it. The girls made friends with Sophia and another Phoebe.
We got some advice from the bloke on reception after we tried to book in for two nights. He wondered what we were going to do for tomorrow. We then found out Mitchell Falls is not a day trip. The 85 km into the falls from the Kalumbaru turn off takes 3 hours, and then there is a three hour one way trek to the falls. Plus the two hours along the Kalumbaru road for 100km. Trailers and caravans are not recommended! Unfortunately the scenic flights finished the day before so that wasn't an option. We will have to do this another time, which is very disappointing. A lamb Korma curry went a small way to consoling me.


1 comment:

  1. I receivwd Georgin's card today, so pleae give her a big hug anda big thanks you.
    I am back into travelling mode after a few days R & R.
