Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 70 - Ningaloo Peninsular

Our neighbours are lovely, Libby and Roddy, originally from South Africa, for the last 30 years from Fisherman's Bay in NSW. We discussed snorkel stories before they headed off to the Oyster Stacks and we returned to Turquoise Bay to do the drift dive. Another day of relaxing in paradise. I snorkelled with or without partners, dried out then got wet again for most of the day.

We drove down to Yardie Creek to have a practice run at taking the tiny coastal track to Coral Bay, rather than going over 200km to get there, via Exmouth. When we were here eight years ago we went the long way as we had no 4WD experience and we were borrowing Bob Benton's Suzuki Vitara. Back then you had to cross the river mouth to add to the challenge, and the sea water would have rusted out his car eventually. We zoomed across so easily, we felt confident for the harder crossing with the camper trailer tomorrow morning.

On our return to the camp, I quickly prepared zucchini and corn fritters for dinner, as suggested by Phoebe, before we went across to "Happy Hour" at the benches, as instigated by Leo and Elaine. Libby and Roddy wandered over soon enough, as did other people we hadn't met yet. All the kids got together and played on the sand dunes. The adult continued swapping stories, advice, details and experiences until dusk. The Shumacks returned for their fritters with sour cream and tomato salsa, which were so nice we will be having them again. Dessert was fruit and non burnt custard for a change. We had been having trouble with our stove sporadically throwing up huge flames of yellow gas whilst I am cooking, since at least Alice Springs. It got to the point where I was calling the stove Christine after a movie about a possessed car of the same name. We also know of a certain oven down at Golden Beach by the same name, but that is a story for another time. In Katherine Justin replaced the jets and bought a extention hose with a matching diameter to the original piece, eliminating that as the cause of the flame throwing. As neither of theese fixes stopped the dangerous flames, and google or camping shop staff had no other ideas, we ditched the stove in Broome and made another purchase. The new Primus stove is fantastic, and means unburnt custard!


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