Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 61 - Broome

Today I got picked up for my flight nice and early at 7am outside the caravan park. George and Phoebe saw me off. The taxi also picked up two couples at a hotel. The men had been at school in England together. Tte whole group were really nice, and I didn't feel like the third wheel. The basic flight plan is from Broome across land to the Horizontal Waterfall, past Koolan and Cockatoo Islands on the way to the stop at the Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm. Then back to Broome along the coast. I have many photos from this flight, below are the highlights.

The perfect beach?
The colour of the water is so intense.
The Horizontal falls below are caused by the high tides forcing their way through these two narrow gaps. The water rushes through here at 30 knots.
We landed at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm for morning tea and our tour. We all piled in to a vehicle that could fit seven people. Mark, our pearl farm guide drove 20 metres before the car broke down! He called for reinforcements, so we got whisked away while Mark and our pilot Jonathon had to wait for the second rescue vehicle. The shop/ reception at Cygnet Bay is a little oasis, and served us yummy snacks and ice cold apple juice. I won't tell you now about the tour I did, because I was so impressed with it I booked the rest of the family on the same tour, to acess by road from Cape Leveque, our next destination.
The air strip at Cygnet Bay Pearl Farm.
From the pearl farm, we flew down the coast back to Broome. I arrived back at camp in time for our sunset camel ride.


I was warned the camel behind ours, pictured above, had attitude. He insisted walking right beside my leg and chewed the whole ride. I am surprised he didn't take a chunk out of my leg. He was the only camel with a rug on his head, it looked like an Afro toupee. His name is RODNEY! I am still chuckling, Rodney Pugh. The camel ride was a lovely way to farewell Broome.


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