Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 59 - Broome.

Using some tourist info I picked up yesterday we booked a sunset camel ride on the beach for Sunday night. I am also flying across to the horizontal falls and the Bucchaneer Archilpelagio for a morning flight that same day, which stops at a pearl farm. We swam in the caravan park pool to test out the snorkels, and to cool off, of course.

After swimming, Justin got rid of his Bushman's beard. Hooray, I hear you cry, and Justin is estatic too because he was getting sick of it. He bought a $14 beard and nose trimmer from Coles supermarket to shear his facial locks.

Before ..........

After! What a difference, we are getting to know his face again.

It is almost 40 degrees here. We were going to Malcolm Douglas's Crocodile Farm in the afternoon for the 3pm feeding, after George and Lexi had a rest. You can get fractious in this heat. Phoebe and I drove to town for a couple of souvenirs. We texted Justin to see if he was asleep, thinking to postpone the croc farm to Saturday. He didn't reply, so we assumed he had fallen asleep. So Phoebe and I happily shopped on, only to discover on our return Justin had put his phone on silent and put it in the car door pocket! No wonder he didn't t reply. After the recharge your batteries kind of day we had, dinner was a no fuss affair of bangers and salad made nicer by the eggplant and red onion chutney I brought along.



  1. Do we recognise the face?
    Must be getting closer to civilisation for you to find the rasor.

  2. i agree that the after shot of Justin looks better, but am disappointed to again be the only person in the family to require a snood...
