Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 68 - Ningaloo Peninsular

We put our clothes to was as a priority. What a relief. We chose Lakeside for our first snorkel as it is good for kids. However, with the prevailing strong south westerly, nowhere along the coast had ideal snorkelling conditions. The good part regarding the wind was we would be blown back to shore rather than out to sea. Justin headed out with Phoebe and Lexie, and I took George. It was hard to get out the little distance to the reef, but once there we floated just above the reef slowly heading into shore. Non digital cameras still have a purpose, I bought a disposable waterproof one. Fingers crossed the photos work. The power of digital is impossible to resist. Of course the girls asked to look at the photos on the film camera, as they only know the digital camera era. I may have to search for somewhere in Melbourne to get the photos developed.

Below is the carpark at Lakeside.


We kept an eye on the tide in case the Toyota was in danger of floating away. The water here is so enticing, fish are visible from the shoreline.


The girls managed snorkelling well, it was pretty choppy, adding to the challenge. Justin had a difficult time with both hands occupied, and the clearance was shallow above the coral. Lexie snorkelled like she was riding an exercise bike, upright and pedalling the whole time, which forced Justin to go around corals rather an over the top. There are many varieties of fish, and many of each variety. Never a dull moment. The girls loved it, they pointed at everything under the water, even the sea cucumbers!


We spent over an hour in town using their Internet trying to resolve the blog issues. While Justin looked i to it, we went to the town beach. We could only tolerate it for twenty minutes as it was populated by hungry sandflies. We sat in the shopping centre carpark whilst I deleted photos. I had an error pop up stating I used up my quota of 1000 photos. We counted up the 61 days so far, and are nowhere near that number. After investigating, we realised I had doubled up with a lot of photos. The dramas of Blogsy!

We headed back to the safety of our sandfly free camp. We had a cheese platter for dinner as lunch had been at 3 pm.


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