Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 50 - Manning Gorge.

We hiked to the waterfall with Sofia, Phoebe and the rest of their family, John, Sheree and Blair.


As you can see it is beautiful.

Blair decided to jump into the pool from a long way up, so Sophia and our Phoebe did too.


They are braver than me, but not Justin. He did the mega jump once, that seemed to be enough for the adults. The photos don't give a real sense of how daunting the drop was.


The kids did it around ten times, we estimated the drop at 25 feet. I jumped from the middle sized drop and that was scary enough. George did some risk taking of her own from this jump.


There were some more relaxed activities going on.


After the adrenaline rush of this pool and it's cliffs, we moved to the lower pool and had a more serene swim. Phoebe and Sophia swam all the way there.


We shared the pool with a water monitor.


After dinner we went to John and Sheree's to share their fire and marshmallows and our homemade hedgehog. Blair liked to incinerate his marshmallows, and all he kids played Chinese Whispers. We met another couple, Nick and Shirley, with two daughters.


1 comment:

  1. The jumping photos were pretty good. I liked the one of phoebe standing on the water than the splash. How high was Justin's jump? Was it higher than the 10 m diving platform?
