Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 53 - Charnley River Station

There are plenty of wedge-tailed eagles on this property, but as always, they are very hard to capture in a photo. The best I could do is below.


We drove to Grevillia Gorge for a swim today. After we climbed down a ladder to get to the water level, we headed to the right to find some water deep enough for us to cool off in. To the left is this big drop, a waterfall, for at least half the year.

Lexie has taken to her mask and snorkel easily. She will be swimming along looking into the water then suddenly make this loud growling scream to scare the fish away. It can scare more than the fish.

We drove two kilometres to Lilli Pool but we were so hot we elected not to get out. We swapped Lilli for Dillie Gorge and enjoyed a 30 km drive in air conditioned bumpy comfort. Dillie Gorge is a bit difficult to get into the water due to algae making the rocks extremely slippery. Therefore it is also hard to get out of, but more on that soon. We had a great swim with snorkels, though the water was cloudy. Justin decided to get out which caused a sore knee and a bit of laughter. Once we were all out with Justin's help, we sat on a high rock to dry off a little. Phoebe looked down and spotted a water monitor.

Whilst I was photographing it, George dropped my sunglasses down next to the monitor and gave it a big fright, but it didn't run entirely move away. Even when Justin retrieved the glasses from the stagnant water, it stayed put. It must be a favourite warm spot.


Phoebe drove back a long way and improved her steering. She just told me now she got up to 25 kph in second gear. There were some cattle to dodge, luckily mostly they moved out of the way. We took a small turn off to a lookout for sunset, views below.


This curlew or bush turkey walked beside us for a short time as we drove home. They look so proud due to the way they hold their heads. I trotted out the Nasi Goreng paste to spice up our chicken on Basmarti rice.


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