Friday, September 28, 2012

Day 69 - Ningaloo Peninsular

Today we headed to a new camp at Tulki Bay, the closest camp to Turquoise Bay. Our camp hosts are Leo and Elaine. The wind hadn't changed from yesterday, so we tried out the bay snorkel rather than the drift dive on the other side of the point. I had to get Alex trained up to not kick, just float, while snorkelling. Justin and I have the fins on, so we drag the kids around. Because of the fins our feet are a bit wrecked. I had bruised arches and blisters, and Justin's second those were rubbed raw. After the horse had bolted, we took to wearing hiking socks while snorkelling, which helps.

You'll have to wait for my underwater photos for this entry, as I didn't take many others. Justin and I saw a turtle, but I couldn't get a shot. Georgina was thrilled to see a blue spotted stingray. Phoebe loved everything she saw. She went out with Justin without her swimming noodle and snorkelled really well. The noodles are handy not just as floatation devices, the wearer is easily spotted from the shore.

We had the obligatory sausages and green salad for dinner, and I cooked potatoes for the first time, served tossed in butter, parsley and salt. Tasty.


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