Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 60 - Broome

It being a Saturday, we went to the markets at the old Cable Station in town. The girls had an icecream at 9.30am, which seemed early, but we had been up since 6pm. From here we did a bit more shopping for miscellaneous items, then by the time we had lunch it was time to go to the malcolm Douglas Crocodile Farm. We allowed five minutes for the two minute trip, only to read a sign on the fence stating they had relocated 16km out of town on the Broome Highway. It is now known as the Malcolm Douglas Wilderness Park. Whoops!


We still made it in plenty of time for the 3pm feeding tour. This place is excellent. We had a look around while we were waiting for the tour to start. There is a plant called duck weed growing on the water here that gives the crocs a green appearance as it sits on their skin.


The girls got to hold baby salt water crocodiles, and we all learnt a bit more about them.


Their scale are beautifully soft, so I now understand a little better the attraction of goods fashioned for crocodile skins. It still isn't my cup of tea though.

They didn't overplay the dangerous element about these ancient reptiles either, which was refreshing.

Below is an American alligator. When this variety has a closed mouth you can't see the teeth, unlike our type of Saltwalter crocodile.



and some freshwater crocodiles.


There are around 70 varieties of crocodiles in the world, unfortunately! Below is Zooey, the park's biggest crocodile, followed by his "girlfriend".


Note the missing upper jaw on the female. Zooey did this to her when she dared to take a piece of fish before he had eaten. Nice bloke.


There were plenty of birds and macropods as well.


There was the odd snake also.


We really enjoyed this park, our tour guide was great. It is definitely worth a visit if you haven't already done a crocodile tour. Justin googled Malcolm Douglas after we left, he was killed in 2010 at the park, he was found pinned between his vehicle and a tree. His wife is still running it.



  1. so dinner tonight is
    entre- crocodile patties with a ceaser sauce and fresh greens
    mains- crocodile steaks ams mash
    dessert- iced crocodile and choco;ate sauce

  2. Hello, apologies for the ornorthodox messaage, but I was wondering if you'd kindly allow the use of one of your images (the croc with the broken jaw) to be included in an upcoming book? Could you please drop me an email: Thank you, Dr Dean Lomax, palaeontologist.
