Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 54 - Charnley River to Mt. Hart Wilderness Lodge.

The peacock squawked right beside our tent at 5 am this morning, so we have christened it a peaclock. Before we left Charnley River Station the girls signed the pig or the cow, so look for their messages. I bought more produce from Bronwyn, light green zucchinis, red capsicum, a bag of tomatoes and more cherry tomatoes.


Fifty kilometres off the Gibb River Road is the slightly run down holiday resort of Mt. Hart Wilderness Lodge, with a camping area available. We were greeted by Mark with a handshake and comprehensive details of activities and where to swim. There were two other camps set up, the lodge is closed for the season. After checking in we watched a DVD on the history of the station. This was owned by four different people who tried to make a go of the property as a cattle station. All of them kept pouring money into it for little return. The cattle flourished but no one could get the out to sell as the area is full of rocky hills. Eventually the Government reclassified it as a National Park. Taffy Abbott took on a lease from them to run a wilderness park. This worked for 10 years, then they had a disagreement and a commercial group took it on. We had a swim in the significant Barker River beside the campsite to cool off. It seems there is plenty of water here. We drove to the top of the lookout for the sunset. This activity is turning into a habit for us. The road up was the toughest 4WDing we have done so far. It was steep and littered with large rocks. We met a couple, Lyn and John, from New Zealand, who were happy to have their serenity ruined by us.


I sautéed the grated zucchinis in butter, added salt, parmesan and basil pesto, then served it with angel hair pasta. My kind of meal, simple and delicious.



  1. the photos of the sunset are simply amazing examples

  2. The Gibb River Road seems to be a very long road as you have travelled along it the last three days. The sunsets are pretty impressive, so I am not suprised that it is habit forming.
    Dr Pugh suggest that you have one serving of angel pasta than straight to bed.
